Friday, September 27, 2013

YouTube Friday!

Happy YouTube Friday! I present to you now the cutest little love story to take place on the New York subway.

And if you thought that was adorable, check out Disney's "Paperman". If you're anything like me or Hannah Wegmann, I guarantee you'll cry.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Here in DC, we are  loving the fall weather!
"Don't you love New York in the fall? It makes me want to buy school supplies."
And so begins one of the most adorable rom-coms in the history or teary eyed women. The leaves are starting turn here in DC and the weather is definitely getting colder.

I actually pulled my sweaters from the back of the closet this morning and as usual couldn't decide what matched with my jeans (jeans!).
 I'm once again enjoying the seemingly eternal joy of pumpkin flavored everything and all the colors that go with changing seasons. Fall always reminds why I love Washington. It's the one place that genuinely delivers all four seasons.
I'm looking forward to spending my afternoons curled up with good books and mugs of tea. My years long knitting project has fallen woefully behind and I'm hoping to make some actual progress on said quilt before Christmas.

And the books, oh god, the books! Brian and I have started reading out loud and night, and let me tell you, it's wonderful. There is nothing better than a good book unless the man you love is reading it to you. If we ever get around to having kids, reading will be a regular part of the bedtime routine.
But as the summer winds down and I mourn the loss of my pool side lounger and the tan that came with it, I'm looking forward to warm cozy nights by the fireplace and the fragrant aroma of spicy baked goods coming from my kitchen.