Saturday, August 29, 2009

Just keep swimming

After several varied attempts to update the look of this blog, I have decided that my best bet is to just write the damn posts and adjust as inspiration strikes. In my hectic search for employment over the last two weeks, I haven't had much time to review the news, but with the hype over the health care bill and Cash for Clunkers, it's only a matter of time before the local talk show hosts and national comedians give me something I can use.

In the meantime, I would like to commend Rebecca Cammisa on her fairly recent documentary "Which Way Home."

Along the lines "Invisible Children," the documentary follows the stories of several Mexican children on their journey to find better lives in the United States. The film has a liberal bent, but is, in my opinion, worth seeing anyway.

While the film itself is creative, Ms. Cammisa's efforts to secure the cooperation of the American and Mexican government is impressive. Her film crew was allowed into nearly every aspect of Mexico's processing.

What really attracted me to this film in the first place was the fresh look at immigration from a child's perspective. "Which Way Home" tells the stories you won't hear on the news. The happy endings, the not so happy endings, and even the ending we aren't so sure about come together to make a well acclaimed documentary. The film was released to the public last January and has been making appearances at film festivals and in newspapers across the country.

For more information, take a look at their website and decide for yourself.